Ancona Travel Guide, Italy
Ancona Italy: Overview
Location: Ancona is a marvelous city and a famous seaport located in Marche which is again situated in central Italy. Ancona, the capital of Ancona province of Marche lies on Adriatic Sea. Ancona city is at a distance of 210 km from Rome and around 200 kilometers from Bologna. The town lies in a beautiful location between edge of the headlands of Monte Conero and Astagno. The city is home to some of the most beautiful citadels like Monte Gausco and Duomo.
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Population: According to the national census of 2007, Ancona has a total population of 101,480 inhabitants. Out of this total population, 47.6% were male and the remaining 52.4% were female. Again 15.54% of the total populations were minors who were under the age of 18 years. Ancona has a population growth of 1.4 percent over the last five years from 2002- 2007. At present, Ancona has a birth rate of 8.14 births/ 1000 inhabitants. In Ancona 92.77% of the total population consists of Italian while the minority of the population is made up by immigrants from Romania, Ukraine, East Asia, North Africa and North America.
Economy: Ancona has a stable economy and it is improving over the last few years due to development of modern infrastructures. Many industries such as shoemaking factories, paper mills, furniture industries and shipbuilding factories have been responsible for the economic stability of Ancona. Moreover, the tourist industry in Ancona is increasing its production as the city has become one of the hottest tourist destinations of the world. Ancona also produces wine and vegetable oils on a large scale and there are many vineyards and wine factories.
Weather: Ancona has a cold climate condition for almost every time of the years. The winter months in Ancona are very cold and the average temperature is 3 degree Celsius. However, the temperature may fall to as low as -8 on a cold winter day in Ancona. The summer months are also not hot and the average temperature during the summer is 15 degree Celsius. Ancona receives adequate amount of rainfall as it is near to the Adriatic Sea.
Transportation: Being a city surrounded by water on most of the sides, Ancona offers effective and efficient water transportation systems. Blue Line International, a renowned ferry company operates passenger ferries in and around the city. There are also many other private transportation service providers and some of them include Adria ferries, Jadrolinja and superfast ferries. Moreover, there are also government operated buses and mini buses operating inside the city.
People, culture and society: As the majority of the inhabitants in Ancona are Italians, the city has culture and religion with Italian backgrounds. The people in Acona are very hospitable and they celebrate a number of festivals.
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