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Rennes History, France


Rennes of France is a place that has an exciting history and it is also known to have a very long history.

Rennes was established by the ancient Celtic Armorican tribe. The eastern Armorican tribe from Redones established Condate. During 57 BCE, they united with the Gualish coalition against Rome which was defeated by the Crassus. Their people were  captured by the Redones which pushed Julius Caesar to be involved in Armorica and defeated the rebels. During the Roman era, the Condate was changed to Condate Riedonum which was the Civitas Riedonum capital

When the barbarians threatened Rennes in 275, a sturdy brick wall was built that surrounds Rennes and at that time it was known as red town. The Armorican peninsula together with Brittany and Rennes made a final stranglehold of the Western Roman Empire when they were threatened by the bagaudes.

During the 5th century, the western part of Armorican peninsula was occupied by the Bretons and later called little Britain, and then Brittany. The Carolingians organized Breton march and were joined by the Rennes, Vannes, and Nantes to avoid the incursions of the Bretons.  During 851, Rennes became Breton and later became the capital of Ducal Brittany.

The Breton succession war happened during 1356 and 1357 when the Duke of Lancaster siege the city. In 1357, the English siege was renounced by Lancaster. Rennes was unsuccessfully attacked during 1491 by the French army of Charles VIII.

The Duchess Anne of Brittany married Charles VIII in order to take Rennes away from any harassment. In 1857 the improvement started and a train station was built, but Rennes still suffered turmoil as they were bombed during the World War II until year 1944. During 1954, Rennes finally attained peace and success as large buildings were built.

Rennes has an interesting history that shows how their place and people suffered from great turmoil and finally gained peace and success.

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