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Cuenca History, Ecuador

The history of Cuenca is thousands of years old and according to archeological proofs various tribes who relied on hunting for their food and living were amongst the first few inhabitants. In this travel guide for Cuenca History we will summarize some of the incidents which took shape so as to give birth to this city of Cuenca and how this city progressed towards modernization.

Cuenca History -First Inhabitants

It was during 8060 B.C. when the first hunting tribes were living on this land. They are said to have used Cave of Chopsi as their homes. They were nomads who kept moving from one place to the other. Various archeological surveys have brought out proofs like different spears and arrows discovered around the Andean Alley. Some of the proofs depict the settlement of these hunters since 5585 B.C.

They were experts in using the favorable climate, the abundant water supply, and the fertile soil to grow various crops for their food. Some of the important ones were quina, squash, chocho, melloco, potatoes. Some of the animals which they used to domesticate were alpacas, and llamas. By the year 2000 B.C. these societies had matured as they started to pre – plan all their activities.

Cuenca History Pre – Columbian Society

The Cañari was the most prevalent population during those years and this land was called Guapondeleg. Another population that had entered the region and merged with the Cañari was the Incas. The city was renamed by the Incas as Tomebamba and it became famous as the 2nd Cusco. During the 1500s this region was abandoned by the Cañari and the Incas leaving only few inhabitants here.

Cuenca History -Spanish Settlement

It was 1557 when Cuenca was officially founded by the famous Spanish Explorer Gil Ramirez Davalos. Finally it was 1820 when Cuenca earned its independence and since then the city has been growing considerable towards becoming a modernized city. Soon it was also tagged the capital city of the Azuay Province.

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