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Bujumbura Travel Guide, Burundi

Bujumbura Travel guide has the main goal to presents aspects about this ravishing city, the capital of Burundi.

Bujumbura Travel guide, Geography

Bujumbura, a city colonized by Belgium in the 19th century, is situated on Tanganyika Lake with a total area of 86.54 square km. Close cities from other countries are Kigali and Entebbe. The city has a moderate tropical climate with an annual temperature that varies between 17 to 23 ° C.

In Bujumbura, you can enjoy two seasons: a dry one which starts in June and ends in September and a rainy season from February to May.

Bujumbura Travel guide, Flora and Fauna

Bujumbura’s habitat is rich in various types of plants, birds, reptiles and mammals. The

Most famous animal here is the Anko-Watusi cattle, and that due to their giant horns, this cattle is also known as “The cattle of kings”. Tanganyika Lake hosts specimens as: perch and freshwater sardines.

Also, the forests which are present here, allow the fauna to be varied and abounding, the plants that really stand out are figs, oil palms, eucalyptus and acacia.

Bujumbura Travel guide, Transport

Bujumbura is a crowded place, with large and dusty streets, a city that captures your attention even if the road infrastructure is not as developed, however you can opt for buses and taxis. Taxis are easily recognizable because of the blue and white color, furthermore tourists should also know that after 8 pm it is more than appropriate to choose a taxi, for safety reasons, no matter the route.

The town has an international airport which connects the city with the world by the Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, and Rwandair companies.

Bujumbura Travel guide, Population and Economy

The colonized city has a population of over 330,000 inhabitants, with a majority of Hutus people and a minority of Twa people. The official languages are Kirundi and French. It’s good to know that Bujumbura is the largest and the most important city in the country, because of the existence of different industries. The most significant and specialized areas are leather, paper, chemicals and agricultural products.

Another important and economical aspect is Bujumbura Port, which has a major role due to trades that take place in the area.

Bujumbura Travel guide, Cuisine

In Bujumbura you can enjoy the most delicious French and Belgian dishes throughout East Africa. Local food includes beef or fish brochette, fried plantain chips, fresh salad and you can taste them in every restaurant in town.

As a visitor, restaurants that are worth a shoot are Belvedere Avenue Belvedere, with lovely views of the city, the Cercle Nautique restaurant situated on Tanganyka Lake offers fresh fish or Pont Muha that offers the best brochettes in town.

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