Get a free flight
Now that you have read the frequent flyer info, here is some extra info on how you can transform your extra miles into a free flight.
Frequent flyer programs allow you to get free flights by accumulating miles or sometimes points. You usually get one frequent flyer mile for every mile you fly, but you can get more for higher priced tickets like Business Class, or if you get to elite status. After you collect enough extra miles, you can redeem them for a free trip. But you must join a frequent flyer program in order to collect miles - before you fly. You can also collect miles for hotel stays and car rentals. You can even get a credit card that will give you miles for every dollar you spend.
How many extra miles do you need for a free trip? It varies by how far the trip is, and by the award programs' rules. We make it easy for you to see that in our miles tracking widget on the bar chart view - you can see how many miles you have, how many miles you will earn for the ticket you are looking at on Travelgrove, and how far you need to go to get to free flight.
Be careful, after 18 to 24 months of no flying most frequent flyer programs expire your miles and they often do not warn you. Then you lose your hard earned miles. Our tracking tool keeps that from happening by alerting you 6, 3 and 1 month before the miles expire, and gives you tips for how to keep them from expiring cheap and easy.
You can get even more useful information in our FAQ section.
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