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How to travel safely in London, United Kingdom

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johnnybravo's pictureby johnnybravo review
added on 24th of November, 2009

Test Like a typical Americans, I like to go on frequent vacations and I expect that you too like traveling. If you want to take a vacation break, it doesn't actually mean that you're guaranteed with safety. But we should never disregard the fact that danger or any trouble can always get in our way no matter where we go. Let me offer you these safety tips that you can take into consideration so that you will be guaranteed of a safe journey.

Certainly, you would be carrying any baggage when you go traveling so make sure that you, by no means, would put your address on the baggage. A case tag is more likely to be found along with your luggage and the only personal information that is advisable to be written there are your name and telephone number. So if someone had found it, he is sure to call you and return the baggage. The reason you won't want to put your full postal address on it is because if the thief finds something worth of value, they may think there's more at your home. Simply put your first and last name to assure your safe travel. Keep your case clean: When I say keep your baggage clean, I'm referring to essential papers.

Clothes and other things that you can risk losing are the only things that should be kept in your luggage. Your valuables such as charge cards, passports, and other significant papers should never be kept in your baggage. As I mentioned it earlier, if someone can access these items, he has all your personal details.


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Johnny Bravo's Travel Tips - overview

1. Nov 24, 2009 How to travel safely in London (London)

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MadSuh's picture
MadSuh wrote on Nov 25, 2009:
Hi Johnny, you are actually right. Putting the full address down may not be a smart thing. However, why not put another address on there :) like your friend's, so that he will get robbed. Just kidding, obviously what you can do is put down your work address and then you are fine ;) Cheers

Recommended London Guide

London History

London, EnglandThis 2,000-year old city was once a small Roman settlement on the banks of Thames.  Many Paleolithic flints and Mesolithic axes were found by Archaeologists in various parts of London. Thames being a multicultural city of over seven million inhabitants is a result of the many invaders who came to the Thames.  The Romans were the first group who established the first permanent settlement, a city they called Londinium, in 43 A.D.  Londinium was soon burnt to the ground because of the uprisings led by Queen Boudicca in 60 or 61 A.D.  London's position lead to more invasions. ... Read more »


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