travelgrove Reviews

St. Peter Basilica in Rome is a must see, Italy

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cipristb's pictureby cipristb review
added on 30th of April, 2009

Basilica of St. Peter is one of the main attractions for tourists visiting Rome. It is located in Vatican City in the famous "Piazza San Pietro. The building today is the result of work across several centuries. Originally it was the monument where St. Peter was martyred and buried. Between 319 - 329 in that place was a large basilica built by Emperor Constantine. The transition period of becoming seriously affected the building in a state of ruin but it has been rebuilt, the building was finished in the year 1612 during the time of Pope Paul the fifth.

This imposing monument is over 15 000 square meters, length of 186 m and height of 119 m and thus succeed to be the second largest sacred place in the world. Basilica of St. Peter solemn functions receives each time he celebrates the Birth of God, or Easter when the new Pope proclaims and is the main manifestations of Catholic worship.


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1. Aug 25, 2004 You must see the Coloseum (Rome)  (* 5)
2. Aug 28, 2005 St. Peter Basilica in Rome is a must see (Rome)
3. Aug 29, 2005 Favorite attraction in Rome (Rome)

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You must see the ColoseumFavorite attraction in Rome

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Rome History

Rome, ItalyThe rich history of Rome was largely fueled by political undertakings, in 69 A.D. there were even four emperors at the same time. The changes in the social system from monarchic to republic to the time of emperors are but fragments of a very colorful and larger than life historical ‘facts and figures’ that is Rome. The fall of the Roman Empire to the Visigoths in 476 A.D., last roman emperor was Romulus Augustulus, has not been extravagantly portrayed in the chronicles of the Roman existence for it is plainly dwarfed by the beauty and grandeur that was Rome.... Read more »


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