Nyiregyhaza Reviews, Hungary
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Recent reviews for Nyiregyhaza
Visiting the Zoo of Nyiregyhaza - Dec 1, 2008, by zdanko
We (me and my girlfriend) planned to go on a weeklong trip a long time ago, but we had to wait until our brand new car arrived and all the papers which we needed were ready. So we could start our trip only at the end of November. The... Read more »
Things about Nyiregyhaza you may be interested in
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Nyiregyhaza Sights
Elmenyfurdo. This is one of the newest water parks in the city. This public bath has three different sections. First is the Thermal World that is similar to a typical bath house with warm waters. Second is the Fun World where the pools have artificial waves and there are slides with different lengths, curves and sizes. Last is the Children’s World with pools for kids. Salt Lake. This is one of the most famous attractions of Nyiregyhaza extending approximately to 9.5 hectares. The lake is divided into two parts - an area which goes in the direction of the town is utilized for the lake baths while another is headed for the north used for... Read more »
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