Tripolis Reviews, Greece
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Recent reviews for Tripolis
Short visit in Tripolis - Dec 16, 2006, by Wazling
If you don't have a car, you should really check public traffic schedules, otherwise you're stuck in the middle of nowhere, like I was! Tripolis is not really special, there are a few shops fort ourists and soem restaurants, but nothing you... Read more »
Things about Tripolis you may be interested in
Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.Recommended Chalkida Guide
Chalkida History
During that time, Corinth and Samos were the biggest allies of Chalkida. The three went to war against Eretria, a neighboring city and the best agricultural region. This war was known as the Lelantine War. When Chalkida won, it became the principal city of the island. The city went to war against the Athenians in the 6th century BC and shortly after that, became a member of the Delian League – an association of Greek city-states under the rule of Athens. Chalkida proved to be important during the Hellenistic period, as it became a citadel of Macedonian monarchs who controlled central Greece. Some of these rulers used the city as a base... Read more »
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