The baroque palace of Weintgarten is great, Weingarten, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Weingarten > The baroque palace of Weintgarten is great
If you like more go for shopping, Weingarten has got only some possibilities, so it's better to take also an look to Ravernsburg, the neighbouring town. And if you prefer to take a walk through the nature, Weingarten is a good starting point to go in the woods around the city and the wider area. You should take a look at the city and it's surroundings when you are close by!
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Weingarten Travel guide
The city is the third biggest place in the district of Ravensburg and since the 1st january 1974 it is also a so called big district city. It has got an pädagogic university and for technics, economics and social studies. The area of the city is about 12 square kilometers big and has got about 30.000 inhabitans. The origins of the city can be traced back till the 5th century A.D. The historic town, formerly called "Altdorf", is situated in the valley of the small river Scherzach, running right into the previously mentioned Schussen. The city´s name today derives from the old monastery, lying high above the old town on the... Read more »
Recent reviews for Weingarten
What to visit in Weingarten - Jul 6, 2010, by asterix
Weingarten it is a small town linked to Ravensburg, it is so near that you can't even see when you are in Ravenburg or Weingarten. Here is situated the famous basilica of St. Martin and Oswald, one of the greatest barroc basilica of the... Read more »
weingarten - Jul 24, 2009, by Victoria
Wo liegt den dieses kaff in BW und ist gegner von RV und wird immer vonRv hat die große basilika die orgel hat 999 Orgelpfeifen wahnsinn.... Read more »
Quick facts about Weingarten - Nov 26, 2009, by MadSuh
Weingarten is a small town in the South of Germany. It's rather quiet there as it is located next to another small town called Ravensburg and most people hang out there. Social life is also not quite interesting there, but then there are... Read more »
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