Quick facts about Weingarten, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Weingarten > Quick facts about Weingarten
Weingarten is a small town in the South of Germany. It's rather quiet there as it is located next to another small town called Ravensburg and most people hang out there. Social life is also not quite interesting there, but then there are plenty of places around town to spend a nice evening.
The only decent bar/restaurant I know there is the Schindler Hannes, which is a quite cheap but fun place to hang out at.There is a decent Indian restaurant just a few houses apart as well.
The main attraction in Weingarten is the Basilika Weingarten which is one of the most beautiful baroque churches north of the Alpes. The church hosts the tallest organs in Europe, so they claim :)
Finally, Weingarten is close to Lake Constance and the Alpes. There is a vast amount of lakes, forests, hills, and creeks around and really beatiful if you are the outdoors person.
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weingartenThe baroque palace of Weintgarten is great
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Weingarten History
1810 Altdorf and Weingarten were put to the administrative district of Ravensburg. In the 19th century Weingarten developed to a military place whose last barracks have been closed in the late 20th century. Also a big machine industry developed, still existing nowadays as the "Maschinenfabrik Weingarten". 1865 Altdorf was renamed with the monastery name Weingarten and finally became a city. In 1922 a new "Benediktiner" monastery was founded in a part of the old monastery. During wolrd war second Weingarten was put to the municipality Ravensburg, but they were separated again in 1946.... Read more »
Recent reviews for Weingarten
The baroque palace of Weintgarten is great - Apr 12, 2009, by Wazling
Weingarten is a nice city, middle size and well positioned in the south of germany. It's a quiet town with a nice inner city, some of it's medieval buildings still preserved. There you can also find one of the biggest baroque churches of... Read more »
weingarten - Jul 24, 2009, by Victoria
Wo liegt den dieses kaff in BW und ist gegner von RV und wird immer vonRv ausgemobbt.es hat die große basilika die orgel hat 999 Orgelpfeifen wahnsinn.... Read more »
What to visit in Weingarten - Jul 6, 2010, by asterix
Weingarten it is a small town linked to Ravensburg, it is so near that you can't even see when you are in Ravenburg or Weingarten. Here is situated the famous basilica of St. Martin and Oswald, one of the greatest barroc basilica of the... Read more »
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