Konstanz Reviews, Germany
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Recent reviews for Konstanz
Many possibilities in Konztanz - Apr 30, 2009, by Wazling
Konstanz is a nice city, lying directly to the lake of Konstanz, called the Bodensee. That already offers you a nice scenery, you can enjoy at one of the different restaurants next to the lake. If you want to make some cultural trip, visit... Read more »
Recommended Koln Guide
Koln History
Koln was probably founded in 39 BC by a Germanic tribe, the Ubii, on the banks of the Rhine River. Later the romans occupied the area due to strategic reason. For about a century, Oppidum Ubiorum was nothing more than a village with a Roman military camp next door. However, in 50 AD, the wife of the Roman emperor Claudius, herself born there, asked her husband to elevate the village to the status of city, or Colonia. The horizons of the new Colonia Agrippina were considerable widened afterwards. The Romans built aqueducts, roads and thermal baths. It didn’t take long for Colonia to become the capital of the province, and then the... Read more »
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