Cologne, the city of Roman ruins, Koln, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Koln > Cologne, the city of Roman ruins
Nightlife at Cologne also offers you many possibilities that you can choose from. The wild area around the city is nice, and also walking in the nature you can see a lot of roman remnants.
If you are in the area, you really should visit Cologne.
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Koln Travel guide
One thing that you'll find about Cologne is that it is a city of culture. Berlin and Bonn are cities of history, known because of the politics, while Hamburg and Munich are cities identified with bits and pieces of everything German. Cologne on the other hand is almost purely a cultural and historical city and the overwhelming majority of its attractions from breathtaking architecture to fantastic museums are all testaments to that aspect of the city. In Cologne you will see marvellous churches, informative museums and historical bits and pieces that will show you just how deep those cultural roots extend within the city. If you want... Read more »
Recent reviews for Koln
Warum besuchen Köln - Jun 28, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Köln? Köln liegt in Rheinland Pfalz am Rhein, ein großer Fluss. Köln ist die viertgrößte Stadt in Deutschlands. 996 690 Einwohner hat Köln. Außerdem war Köln früher eines der... Read more »
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