Fussen Reviews, Germany
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Recent reviews for Fussen
What to know about Fussen - Apr 30, 2009, by tarquitius
I don't know who wrote the stuff above, but I'd like to make some corrections, no offense to anyone. :) The Roman name of the Town was 'Foetes' meaning 'gorge', not 'foetibus'. The Roman name of Augsburg given above is wrong as well.... Read more »
Recommended Dortmund Guide
Dortmund Nightlife
If you decide to try Dortmund Nightlife make sure you do not forget your best dance shoes, cause the Germans just like to party like crazy. Just like every other modern city in Europe, you have a wide variety of clubs and discos that accommodates all type of music. Bag Girls Bar is popular in Dortmund because of the free entrance it offers to the girls and the large variety of music the Djs play. Nightrooms is famous for the students that like to spend their night here and for the tasty cocktails they serve. Some other amazing clubs where you can have fun are: Im Keller, Sevens Club Discotheque, Zu House Club and Liquid Lounge, all located... Read more »
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