Friedrichshafen Reviews, Germany
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Recent reviews for Friedrichshafen
Friedrichshafen für Besucher - Jun 27, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Friedrichshafen? Friedrichshafen liegt in Baden-Wüttemberg in Deutschland in der Nähe des Bodensees. Friedrichshafen ist die zweit größte Stadt am Bodensee nach Konstanz. Ca. 58.484 Einwohner hat... Read more »
Check the Zeppelin museum in Friedrichschafen - Apr 11, 2009, by Wazling
Friedrichshafen is a nice city, that lies at a great view over the lake of constance. At the beach promenade you can find a lot of bars and restaurants nearby. Also a lot of ice bars can be found there during the summer time. Close to that... Read more »
Recommended Friedrichshafen Guide
Friedrichshafen Travel guide
This Friedrichshafen travel guide will tell you all you need to know when you plan your visit to the legendary city. Friedrichshafen is a small city located in the extreme south of Germany, near the borders with Austria and Switzerland. It was raised on the northern banks of Lake Constance and this gives it a lovely natural surrounding and atmosphere. It has a population of 58.000 and good transportation and connectivity to the rest of Germany. There are regular trains to Lindau and Ulm and most of the cities on the lake can be reached by ferry. Surprisingly Friedrichshafen also has its own airport that provides regular flights to London and... Read more »
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