Check the Zeppelin museum in Friedrichschafen, Friedrichshafen, Germany
Reviews > Europe > Germany > Friedrichshafen > Check the Zeppelin museum in Friedrichschafen
You should also visit the 'Zeppelin museum', that shows the history of Friedrichshafen an of the Zeppelins and its constuctor. In the inner city you can also finds nice shops for everything you want to buy.
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Friedrichshafen für Besucher
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Friedrichshafen History
In 1841, the first part of the royal Württember Railway was opened, leading from Friedrichshafen to Ravensburg. On july 1850, you could go by train on the whole railroad track by Württemberg from Heilbronn to Friedrichshafen. 1869 goods transport over the lake of constance started, connected with the railway But one of the most famous man in the age of industrialization of Friedrichshafen was the count Zeppelin. He began the construction of his Airships at the end of the 19th century. Hi first ship started on 2 july 1900. Graf Zeppelin starb 1917, but the airship project was kept on, now by Wilhelm Maybach.... Read more »
Recent reviews for Friedrichshafen
Friedrichshafen für Besucher - Jun 27, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Friedrichshafen? Friedrichshafen liegt in Baden-Wüttemberg in Deutschland in der Nähe des Bodensees. Friedrichshafen ist die zweit größte Stadt am Bodensee nach Konstanz. Ca. 58.484 Einwohner hat... Read more »
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