travelgrove Reviews

Getting around in Paris, France

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Wazling's pictureby Wazling review
added on 18th of December, 2008
At that time, when i've been there, it was really nice, 'cause you could find at every corner a bar, restaurant or coffe bar, where you could eat and drink something. I had pleasant experiences with the Chinese restaurant and bar next to Gare de Lyon, try it, if you are there.
The people were some kind of friendly, even they saw you beeing a tourist, however, they don't speak too much English. Also, it may not be easy to find your way, because most of the inscriptions, even on public places are in French only.

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Public transportation in ParisYou will need a lot of time in Paris

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Paris Nightlife

Paris, FranceThe gay hubs of Paris are on Les Halles and Le Marais. The Café Cox is a favorite hang-out and is often jam-packed. Le Tropic Café is a place for hip crowd parties who revel in the wee hours. The Okawa and Le 3w are also a favorite happy hour places for trendy lesbians and gay men. Shows A night of entertainment need not be expensive. Tourists can watch what is locally known as “the show” at Ile de la Cité just behind Notre Dame. It’s a famous attraction that features spontaneous shows like magicians, jugglers, fire-eaters, musicians and mimes.... Read more »


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