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  • Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Crisis – How to Lend a Helping Hand

    We’re going to take a break from travel planning and amazing sights in today’s blog post, in order to bring up a sensitive subject that we’re hoping you will have the patience to take note of and act out by lending a helping hand.



    The Biggest Oil Spill in History

    Unless you’ve been completely cut off from any type of media for the past week, you’ve most likely heard about the Gulf of Mexico event – a disasterous oil spill near the shores of Louisiana, caused by the explosion of an offshore drilling rig owned by British Petroleum.

    The spill has the unfortunate potential of becoming the most devastating and hazardous oil spills in history as the blown up rig is connected to an underwater oil supply that keeps on pumping in the ocean – as the seemingly unending supply of oil pours into the Gulf, both wildlife and local human settlements are at a great risk.

    An estimated 450 species of fish, 32 species of amphibians, 45 species of mammals and 134 species of birds are at great risk under the impact of the spill, according to Amongst the endangered bird species are the brown pelican (pictured above), recently removed from the endangered species list, the reddish egret, or the snowy plover (pictured below), all of which are deeply reliant on food sources the oil spill would eliminate.
    If you think this isn’t that bad as long as humans aren’t directly affected, think again – the dead zone created by the spill in the Gulf of Mexico could easily extend to several years, destroying the eco-habitat of supporting species, which means that the fishing industry in the area is as good as finished. Fishermen in the area, supplying a hefty portion of Louisiana and deeply reliant on having a healthy Ocean to power their businesses are starting to become desperate, with the prospect of the oil spill being cleared up in a matter of months, at best.

    So How Can You Help?

    This is a call-to-action for anyone that is willing and can help out. The oil spill is a man-made disaster and it can only be fixed by men – and while British Petroleum and local authorities are working hard to contain the spill, individuals can also lend a helping hand. Here are a couple of places you could start:
    Mobile Baykeeper has a few bits of useful information on how you can help clean the shoreline. While volunteers are not yet needed, they say, you can still sign-up for when it’s needed. Check them out.
    The Audobon Action Center IS looking for volunteers on the other hand. Find out how you can help on the organization’s website.

    The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries provides some contact info in case you find oiled wildlife, oiled shoreline or if you want to volunteer.
    If you’re a pet groomer or own a hair salon, Matter of Trust needs your help. Since hair is extremely useful in absorbing oil, these guys have set out on campaigns to collect hair or fur donations. Think about it, a haircut could save a baby sea turtle’s life.

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    Comments on Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Crisis – How to Lend a Helping Hand

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    peter wrote on May 5, 2010:

    This is absolutely horrible… too bad this is happening

    Nancy Dinsmore TgAvatar
    Nancy Dinsmore wrote on June 4, 2010:

    I would like to know who to contact about making arrangments to come to Louisiana to help clean birds and fish. PLEASE PLEASE let me help. I am wiling to come down there for as long as you need me.

    contact me at my e-mail address and lets get the ball rolling

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