With our "Classic Search" we drive the highest amount of quality traffic to our advertisers. The system is simple, yet efficient. The user searches and we present the user with the companies that provide service for the particular search.
You will be listed as one of the providers. Once the user clicks on the search button, we send the user directly to your landing page.
Placements are sorted by bids, which means that whoever bids more ends up higher on the result pages.
All placements are based on a pay-per-click model.
- 95% US & Canada based traffic
- Flexible targeting
- Millions of visitors per month
- 400K newsletter subscribers
- ... are brand focused
- ... want to get a lot of traffic
- ... how many good features on their own sites that will differentiate them others
Rates:Starting at 15c CPC for airfares and 25c for other products
Note: This is a bidding engine, the higher the CPCs the higher the position on the page

- ... want to target very specific routes
- ... are very competitive
- ... are more ROI focused
Rates:Starting at 25c CPC for airfares and slightly higher for our other products
Note: Imprlementation times can vary based on your technical specs as well as our own project schedule.

Premium Buttons:

Check-Box Comparison Buttons:

Peter Suhayda, Bussiness Development peter(at)travelgrove.com
Phone: 1.877.834.5825