Bar with nice beer garden, Weingarten, Germany
Travel tips > Europe > Germany > Weingarten > Bar with nice beer garden
- Night Life & Entertainment travel tip
- City center
Friedhofstraße 33/1, 88250 Weingarten, Deutschland

Recent travel tips for Weingarten
- New theater at a place called HofIn the local place of Hof, clos to Baienfurt, there will be a new thater in 2010. At the theater of Hof, many known artists will show their programs, regionally and nationally known , - but that's not all. They will hold about 6 times a [...]D: 1.2mi00
- The BlutrittIf you are in the city around the end of april, you should visit the biggest procession of riders in europe. It is called 'the Blutritt', because of the piece of the cross of Jesus, carried through the area of Weingarten and the surrounding [...]D: 0.2mi00
- FasnetsmuseumIn a former property of the monastery of Weingarten, there is the new Fasnetsmuseum. It was founded on 2003 and shows you the rich culture and developement of the Altdorfer (old name of Weingarten) Fasnet. Over 50 lifesize figures and other [...]D: 0.8mi00
- The Alamannen museumThis small museum is worth a look, if you are in the city center of Weingarten. It contains the history of the Alamannen, a tribe living in that area over 1700 years before. Also findings are exhibited there, even some burrial places [...]D: 0.1mi00
- Theater festival at the monastery of the cityIf you are at Weingarten around the end of july and during august, you should visit the theater festival at the monastery of Weingarten. It exists now since ten years and it is really good, also because of the scenery, the play takes place [...]D: 0.2mi00
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Weingarten History
At about 935, the Welfs founded a womens monastery, that should also be the graveplace of the Welfs. It was destructed with fire in 1053 and the nuns were relocated at the "Martinsberg", a local hill. 1056, Welf IV. founded a new moastery on the "Martinsberg", after the Welfs had moved their castle to Ravensburg. It was a pure monks monastery, whose name "Monastery [...]More travel tips you might be interested in
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Put dryer sheets in your luggage to keep it fresh and maouse free!!
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