Parking near the Schonbrunn, Vienna, Austria
Travel tips > Europe > Austria > Vienna > Parking near the Schonbrunn
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- City center

Recent travel tips for Vienna
- HundertwasserhausIf you are in Vienna don't miss the Hundertwasserhaus. It's really interesting! [...]D: 2.2mi10
- M+S Tirese ObligatoryWhen you travel in Austria, don't forget, that in the period of first November and 30th April M+S tires are obligat1ory. When the police stops you and you don't have them, it costs you 35 Euro. [...]D: 0.1mi01
- ArenaTheres music here for every taste, from punk to raggea you can find here all the old favorites and the new hits. Most of the people are young here and there in live entertainment as well. Usually crowded, or at least it was when I've [...]D: 3.1mi00
- Sightseeing from the RiesenradIf you're in Vienna don't miss the Riesenrad in the Prater park. This is a sightseeing ferris-wheel. It goes round very slowly and when you're on the top you can see a very big part of the city. It's not cheap but I think it worth it. [...]D: 2.6mi00
- Alphaville International VideostoreAlphaville is a great place, not only for renting films, but also to meet nice people. Usually membership is required, but if you are kind enough, they will make an exception. They have a very wide selection, you will find practically [...]D: 0.8mi00
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