travelgrove Travel Tips

Woodford Square, Port-of-spain, Trinidad And Tobago

  • General travel tip
  • City center
Distance from city center: 1.8mi
gina's pictureby gina General travel tip
added on the 29th of July, 2009
Woodford Square is one of the nicest place to visit it.

Woodford Square, Belmont, Trinidad & Tobago



Port-of-spain History

The foundation of Port-of-Spain is connected to an Amerindian fishing village that used to lay on the contemporary city premises. The Spaniards came here in 1560 and established the “Puerto de los Hispanloes”, slowly starting to erect their own settlements. These were built during the 16th and 17th centuries and had the form of mud-plastered ajoupas, placed between large silk cotton [...]

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