Museum of Natural History and Geology, Lille, France
Travel tips > Europe > France > Lille > Museum of Natural History and Geology
- Sightseeing travel tip
- City center
Rue de Bruxelles 19,59000 Lille, 59000, France
The full price during the exibitions is 3 euros, and between them is only 2.50 euros (2009). On reduction is 1.5 euros
Opening Hours:
From 9 to 12 and 14 to 17 on monday, wednesday, thurstday and friday
From 10 to 13 and 14 to 18 on Sunday
Closed on Tuesday and Saturday.
How to get there:
On the road from Lille Center
GPS : 50.627 lat N. ; 3.066 long E.
Metro: République ou Mairie de Lille Stop

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