Alabama Travel Guide
Alabama (surnamed the Yellowhammer State) with its 131, 443 km2 lies at the south-east of the Unites States, bordering Florida, the Mexican Golf, Georgia, Tennessee and Mississippi. Its name could be the combination of two Choctaw words: “Alba” and “Amo” meaning “vegetation/plants” and respectively “reaper”. Its population of 4, 4 million inhabitants is composed mostly of Americans 96, 1 % and the minorities are Spanish, Germans, French and Chinese.
Many industries have developed after the Second War II: heavy industry, ore extraction, education and high technologies. The climate is a humid subtropical one with annual average temperature of 18°C, with hot summers and mild winters and a lot of rain.
As for the transports, Alabama is crossed by 5 inner state highways connecting it with the bordering states; it also has several airports among which the biggest are Birmingham International Airport and the airport of the capital city, Montgomery Regional Airport and several ports on rivers, lakes or the Mexican Golf (Mobile Port).
As for the cultural life there are several renowned festivals: Alabama Jubilee Hot Air Balloon Classic, Bayfest, City Stages, Mardi Gras, National Peanut festival. If you are looking for celebrities, Alabama is home of Nat King Cole, Harper Lee, Jesse Owens, George Wallace or Condoleezza Rice.
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