Windermere Reviews, United Kingdom
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Recent reviews for Windermere
Applegarth Hotel Windermere - Apr 25, 2011, by jensmith
Applegarth Villa is truly a rare find in the very heart of the Lake District. Offering individual luxury accommodation of the highest standard, this magnificent Villa is unique to Windermere and the food was amazing. We found the owners... Read more »
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Edinburgh Sights
May to September are the best months to visit, although the weather is quite unpredictable. The festivals reach their peak from in August and early September, so make sure you book your tickets well in advance if you’re planning to catch some shows. Some of the most popular ones are sold out even a year in advance! The Old Town and New Town consist of most of Edinburgh’s significant tourist attractions, which are conveniently located close together. While most are within walking distance of each other, the area is hilly and can take some stamina to maneuver on foot. The best way to see the city is on foot, as it can be difficult to drive... Read more »
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