travelgrove Reviews

Simferopol Reviews, Ukraine

    's mapPlanning a trip to Simferopol, Ukraine? Unless it's not your first visit there, it's sure you have a ton of questions you want to ask about the whats, wheres and whos of Simferopol. Well, you're in luck, because we have an incredibly helpful community of veteran travelers that often share their experiences in the locations they visit and we have a couple of these user-written reviews on Simferopol as well. You can check them out below and remember, if you want additional information on Simferopol or any other destination, feel free to ask our team about it or post a question in our forum section.

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Recent reviews for Simferopol

Besuch Halbinsel Krim - Jun 9, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Krim? Krim liegt in der Ukraine. Sie ist eine Halbinsel im Schwarzen Meer. Krim hat ca. 2 Millionen Einwohner. Im Süden Krims ist es sehr gebirgig, aber im Norden eher flach. Es ist immer sehr warm. Auch wenn es mal regnet.... Read more »

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Recommended Donetsk Guide

Donetsk History

The foundation of the city of Donetsk was laid down in 1869, by John Hughes, a famous Welsh businessman of those years. He started many coal mines in this region along with a steel plant. During those years this land was part of southern Russia. Initially this newly formed town was named Hughesovka (also called Yuzovka). It was during the first few years of the 20th century when the town had started to flourish with its population touching around 50,000 inhabitants. It was officially tagged a city by 1917 due to its phenomenal growth. During the famous Russian Revolution, the city became under the newly formed republic called Donetsk –... Read more »


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