Yala Reviews, Sri Lanka
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Best Tour Operator in sri lanka - Nov 3, 2016, by SRILANKA
We are the Best tour operators in Sri Lanka who handling the budget tour & Holiday pakages. We are managing Sri Lanka tours and providing budget vehicles. Web - http://www.srilankatouroperator.com/... Read more »
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Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.Recommended Colombo Guide
Colombo History
The history of Colombo dates back to over 2000 years as it was very famous amongst different Chinese, Arab, and Roman traders as the city of Colombo had its own natural harbor. This island was called as Kalanpu in 14th century when the famous traveler named lbn Batuta visited it. It was in the 8th century when various Arabian Muslims started to enter this city with the prime target of making money by performing business via the harbor of this city. The port of this city proved to be the bridge between the world and the Sinhalese rulers who were ruling this region during those years.... Read more »
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