Praid Reviews, Romania
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Recent reviews for Praid
At the Salt Mine in Praid - Aug 21, 2007, by szbogi
At about 4:30 PM we arrived to Praid, a village (or little city, I'm not sure) which is very famous because of its Salt Mine which is a touristic attraction but it's used for medical purposes too. It's not new that we didn't find any signs... Read more »
Things about Praid you may be interested in
Be the first who requests a site listing for this page.Recommended Piatra Neamt Guide
Piatra Neamt Nightlife
Unlike any other European cities, Piatra Neamt Nightlife is closely related to the season and time of the week. If you go there in spring or summer, then there are high chances that most of the clubs and bars are full no matter if it is Monday or Saturday. If you get to Piatra Neamt in autumn or winter, then you will find most of the bars closed, but you will find the alternative of the nearby mountains pretty attractive. Some famous places where you can spend the time of your life are: Central Club, where the party starts one hour before midnight and lasts till dawn. The entry ticket is 20 RON (almost 5 euro) and there is an imposed dressing... Read more »
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