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What to know about Charlotte, North Carolina

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mohds2's pictureby mohds2 review
added on 18th of July, 2008

The first colonial settlers in this region were the German, the Scotch, the English and the French Huguenot. The area, that is at the present called Charlotte, encountered a welcoming nonviolent native tribe the Catawba. It had a very fertile soil brought by additional settlers and by the year 1761, the Catawba were limited to the territory in South Carolina. The colonists were violent in search of political compensation. In the middle of the 1750s for instance to curry good turn with King George III of England, the primary settlers to the region named their city Charlotte after the king's wife, Charlotte Sophia. Their next step was to induce the regal government that they deserved to be a break up county. They tactfully named their fresh county Mecklenburg in honor of the ruler.

But their ambition did not stop there. Thomas Polk one of the town’s initial settlers and his neighbors, sought Charlotte as the regional seat. They built a record small house and was it called a courthouse which led to appointing Charlotte as the county seat in the year 1774.

As the significance of the mine diminished,the cotton took hold as the town's cash producer. The creation of the yarn gin helped to set up Charlotte as a ginning and swap center and the municipality evolved into a textile power.

The commencement of the city's growth as a main sharing center began in the mid-1880s with the meeting of more than a few railroad lines in Charlotte. Subsequent to the social War, the hydroelectric control was urbanized on the river of Catawba near Charlotte.

The city began to serve up as a fabric center in the late nineteenth century and by 1903 more than half of the nation's entire textile production was to be found within a 100-mile radius of the region of Charlotte. The development of North Carolina's limited-access highway system in the 1900s paved the way for Charlotte to be converted into the major allocation center that it is now. The region of Charlotte enjoyed enormous growth after the World War and now it is a wonderful place to be in.


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Recommended Charlotte Guide

Charlotte Sights

Charlotte, NC, United States There are so many sights that you can see when you visit the city of Charlotte that you will not be able to do it all.  They have several historic sites and museums that are scattered all over the place, especially around Uptown.  The Mint Museum of Art is the main museum of art, and it is located in the Charlotte Mint building.  Although it lacks a permanent collection, the museum hosts regular traveling exhibits of high quality from all around the world.  The primary strengths of the Mint Museum of Art are American ceramics and art, costumes and more decorative art from several countries, and pre-colonial and colonial art.  It is... Read more »


Recent reviews for Charlotte

Charlotte at night - Jul 18, 2008, by mohds2
The city of Charlotte is amajor city in North Carolina. It's has been gifted a lovely nickname the Queen City and truthfully the metropolis is the Queen of nightlife in Northern Carolina. From clubs to pubs and bars, nightlife in the city... Read more »


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