Biharugra Reviews, Hungary
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Recent reviews for Biharugra
Short visit in Biharugra - Jul 18, 2008, by zlori
Today I visited very nice calm place in Hungary called Biharugra. Biharugra is a village in Békés County in the Southern Great Plain region of south-east Hungary. It has a population of 1071 people and it can be considered... Read more »
Things about Biharugra you may be interested in
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Szombathely Nightlife
Pannonia Haz Etterem. This can be found in the town square. The ambience is rustic with wooden furnishings. The restaurant serves Hungarian cuisine and other international dishes. Aside from the Hungarian language, the menu also comes in English and German. The serving is abundant but is reasonably priced. Gorog Pizzeria. The place has a Greek atmosphere but it specializes in pizzas. This is one of the favorite dining places of the younger crowd. Aside from the scrumptious food, people patronize this place because the price is easy on the pocket.... Read more »
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