Agios Nikolaos Reviews, Greece
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Recent reviews for Agios Nikolaos
Things to do in Agios Nikolaos - Jun 28, 2007, by stef
Agios Nikolaos is one of the major cities of Crete. It is located 80 km-s west from the airport Heraklion. It isn't so touristy like Hersonissos. There are some nice buildings, a lake in the middle of the town, and a sandy strand. It is... Read more »
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Chalkida or Chalcis is a city located on the western part of Euboea in Greece. In the 8th and 7th centuries Before Christ, Chalkida became the motherland of colonizers who discovered several cities in the Mediterranean. It also became a part of Rome in the 6th century. Here are some pertinent facts you need to know about Chalkida History. Chalkida History – Ancient Greece Iliad is the first documented reference of Chalkida. As it was mentioned earlier, Chalkida colonizers established 30 townships in places found at the Mediterranean including some cities in Sicily, Italy. Chalkida products and crafts like pots and metal works were... Read more »
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