Ulm Reviews, Germany
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Recent reviews for Ulm
Sie müssen wissen über Ulm - Jun 27, 2009, by mary
Wo liegt Ulm? Ulm ist eine Universitätsstadt in Baden- Wüttemberg. Ulm liegt an der Donau, ein großer Fluss und südöstlich am Rand der Schwäbischen Alb. Die Stadt hat über 120 000 Einwohner. Ulm ist die... Read more »
Recommended Duisburg Guide
Duisburg Travel guide
The city of Duisburg has a long history. Archeological findings indicate that this area has been inhabited from a long time. Duisburg has served as a major trading center since the fifth century. The area of Duisburg has been conquered by different Empires including Romans and Normans etc. In the middle ages the town was granted the status of a free city. In the year 1000, the river Rhine changed its path which put an end to the growth and development of city. In the eighteenth century, the city of Duisburg witnessed industrial revolution. Big steel, iron and textile factories established here. It contributed to the development of the city.... Read more »
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