Tbilisi Reviews, Georgia
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Recent reviews for Tbilisi
Hotel Mkudro - Apr 18, 2011, by karomatz
Amazing 3 Star Hotel Mkudro Hotel is situated at one of the ecologically pure areas of Tbilisi, quiet and calm street, no disturbing noises from outside clean air and great view. Hotel offers Standard Rooms with 2 separate beds and Lux,... Read more »
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Tbilisi Travel guide
This Tbilisi travel guide will give you a relevant insight on the capital of the eastern European state of Georgia. Tbilisi is a significant administrative, economical and cultural centre for the country, with a population of 1.093.000. It lies on the banks of the Mt’k’vari River and is historically known for being on the energy routes that connect Eastern and Western powers. It has been part of the communist Soviet Union until 1989 and it has been confronted with political instability and a low life standard until 2003, when the silent Rose Revolution took place and the quality of life started improving. There are more than 100... Read more »
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