travelgrove Reviews

Vail Reviews, Colorado

    's mapPlanning a trip to Vail, Colorado? Unless it's not your first visit there, it's sure you have a ton of questions you want to ask about the whats, wheres and whos of Vail. Well, you're in luck, because we have an incredibly helpful community of veteran travelers that often share their experiences in the locations they visit and we have a couple of these user-written reviews on Vail as well. You can check them out below and remember, if you want additional information on Vail or any other destination, feel free to ask our team about it or post a question in our forum section.

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Recent reviews for Vail

Snowboard and ski in Vail, CO, gallery by lindamuraSnowboard and ski in Vail, CO - Dec 11, 2007, by lindamura
Vail is a very popular ski resort located at 109 miles West of Denver. Lots of Europeans and Americans love it not only for its natural beauty but also for its restaurants, shops and lodgings. The sensational mountain and the endless... Read more » 

White snow and stunning views in Ski Cooper, CO - Oct 25, 2007, by lindamura
Ski Cooper also referred to as “the Coop” by the connoisseurs is situated about 20 miles south of Vail, close to Copper Mountain, in the San Isabel National Forest. How to get there? If you are in Denver, just take I-70 west to... Read more »

Things about Vail you may be interested in

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Recommended Vail Guide

Vail Nightlife

Vail, CO, United StatesThere are a handful of restaurants in Vail where the quality-budget ratio is very satisfying; this includes places like Moe’s Barbeque, Two Elk Restaurant (heated outdoor deck), Pazzo’s (pasta and pizza), Pepi’s, Saloon (Mexican food), the Turning Table or the Juniper. For those willing to dress-up and try some ultra-chic cuisine, upscale restaurants are numerous in Vail and invite you in with mouthwatering aromas. Provided you have a reservation, any of the following restaurants are worth your money: Sweet Basil, The Left Bank, La Tour, Chap’s Grill and Chophouse or Game Creek Restaurant.... Read more »


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