Santa Monica Reviews, California
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Recent reviews for Santa Monica
Getting around in Venice Beach - Nov 26, 2006, by MadSuh
After 3 days of heavy eating and drinking, I finally had some time on my own to visit Venice. I cannot believe I couldn't make it out here earlier, but my schedule had kept me really busy. Anyhow, my suite case broke so I had no choice.... Read more »
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Columbia Sights
Some famous painters whose work is on display here include those of Monet, Remington, Botticelli and various other international exhibitions. There are also many concerts and children’s programs organized here periodically for added cultural entertainment.The Congaree National Park The ‘Tunnelvision’ murals are of great intrigue that tickles the curiosity of any tourist in Columbia. With such a beautiful countryside in Columbia, it’s Riverbanks Zoo and Garden and the Congaree National Park are places nature enthusiasts have to visit while in Columbia. The Congaree National Park is only one of the few remaining parks of U.S. offering a... Read more »
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