Where to go in Central and South America, Belize City, Belize
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This is a destination like no other! A destination for those who love ecotourism, for those who want to be in the middle of nature, a nature so varied that one would hardly get bored of it too soon.
If you think about what you have learned at geography lessons this destination can be either interesting or boring depending on what your mood was in that moment o if you liked the teacher or not. Getting an inside view of what it’s like to be there is much better and if it comes from your friend it’s even better! There ‘s no doubt about the fact that there is little if no chance to think of me as your friend, but you can still take this information as coming from one that is presenting you a glimpse of world of wonders!
Natural landscape ranges from rainforests to tropical beaches, from plains to high mountains, and you can track down ancient history from Mayan ruins in Guatemala to Machu Picchu in Peru.
There is something for every traveler here, whether you are an adventurer and want to explore the Andes Mountains or the cloud forests of Costa Rica, you are a bird lover and want to go bird watching in Belize, a romantic that is impressed by scenes of waterfalls or even a nighttime partier, the bag is full and there is plenty of presents for all.
A present is a quite good word to describe each place, each spot is unveiling itself and you will live the same excitement you live at Christmas when you open the presents. No matter how much you read about a place it will only be the wrapping and to get the real present you have to go there to see the places for yourself!
I’ll mention some of the most appreciated activities.
With so much to see around the best activity is backpacking in Torres del Paine that has some hundreds of kilometers of trails and it is one of the most beautiful national parks on the planet. The landscape changes quickly from high peaks to calm fields and from rivers to lakes. But those who are not mad about backpacking need not worry as there are some hotels around that allow a quick visit in the park.
In Peru’s Manu Biosphere Reserve, Galápagos Islands in Ecuador, the Amazon forest and the jungle areas of Brazil are abundant in wildlife, especially birds that attract many visitors in favor of bird watching. Rare birds have their home here and you will be privileged to see them in their natural habitat and not at the zoo.
With plenty of mountains around, mountain climbing and mountain-biking are among the best. You don’t need to go all the way to Everest! There are plenty of good climbs here at Patagonia or Cotopaxi. Montain bikers will have to come prepared for the roads here as they are not like in Italy! They are not groomed and you need to have a good quality bike that can deal with the rough terrain and narrow routes. There is another road route that is just as dangerous and only the fearless dare to bike here. It starts from La Paz to Los Yungas and it is on the edge of the cliffs, there is no space for errors no time to look around.
Water offers just as many challenges as the land. There are plenty of water based activities like diving in the Galápagos Islands, river rafting, kayaking and white-water rafting the Amazon. Mendoza river is also favoured for its great year-round white-water rafting in Argentina.
Some more relaxing water based activities like swimming, surfing or snorkeling are also popular. Check out spots like Punta del Este in Uruguay, the clear water in Venezuela’s Caribbean part and its Henry Pitter National Park or even Galapagos Island.
Want skiing in summer? Chile and southern Argentina are the best and resorts like Bariloche, Valle Nevado or Portillo ring a bell to all ski experts.
Central and South America can offer you a world of wonders that will be revealed to you once you are there!
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