Korce Reviews, Albania
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Recent reviews for Korce
Transportation in Korce - Dec 18, 2009, by gnagnagna
Concerning the transport paragraph I am rather surprised - having worked in Albania for three years and knowing Korce pretty well, I can tell you that the only international airport in Albania is located near the capital Tirana, so you... Read more »
Things about Korce you may be interested in
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Korce Sights
Park of Tears. This park got its name from an event that happened during the course of the city’s history. This is where women of the city said their goodbyes to men they loved, who had to join the war. Today, this is a small park in the shape of a triangle where people relax their aching feet or where they meet their loved ones. Rinia Park. Also known as the Youth Park, this place shelters both the young and the old. It is located near a hillside and is surrounded by green plants and pine trees that provide shade from the heat of the sun. The park is a good place for strolling and should thirst and hunger befall, there are a few bars... Read more »
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