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  • Travel tips for group travel

    When more than three or our people are traveling together, coming up with a schedule and a list of things to see that will make everyone happy can be problematic, because no two people are the same, and what one traveler finds interesting another traveler might ind utterly boring.

    And when you have to travel in a large group of people, what seemed like a fun idea at the beginning can turn into a few long days of endless discussions about whether shopping is better then going to a museum, whether settling in a pub is setter than exploring a city and so on. So if you want to make sure that all diverging interests are given consideration and nobody’s preferences are (too) neglected, here are some travel tips for group travel.


    The easiest way of finding a solution is to talk it out with all the members of the group, and take a decision commonly. This way, nobody will feel like their opinion hasn’t been considered. However, if you don’t want to waste precious vacation time, all the details that could come into discussion should be settled before going on the trip. Draw up a list of attractions that everyone is eager to see and perhaps put together a schedule so that everyone has the opportunity to propose something.

    Speak up

    Just because you have to make compromises, don’t ignore your own little plans, because it will only lead to frustration. If there’s some sight that you really, absolutely want to see, don’t give up on it. Even if you plan on visiting your destination again in the future, you’ll be much happier with your vacation if you do the things that are important to you.

    Keep it simple

    Many people in the group will mean many different things on schedule, which is not always a good thing. Be realistic when planning the itinerary and the attractions that you are going to visit, because if you have to rush from one place to another without being able to enjoy yourself, nobody will be the happier.

    Ask for discounts and book tours

    The positive thing about traveling in a group is that you can take advantage of all sorts of discounts. Do your research before leaving and find out which attractions offer discounts for groups. Some other attractions which are perhaps off the beaten path might actually require groups in order to allow a visit, which is all the better for you! However, keep in mind that large groups will most likely need bookings.

    Split up

    Don’t be afraid to split up if you can’t agree on what to visit! The group can break into smaller groups and each can visit different places. This way nobody gets upset or frustrated for not getting their way, and in the evening you can exchange thoughts on the sights that you’ve visited.

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    Happy Camper wrote on August 29, 2011:

    Traveling with a large group is fun. You get to meet new people that you share common interests with. My Grandma once traveled in Rome to meet the Pope. She said that having a planned schedule and activity is very convenient because there are no chances that you would get lost, which will take most of your time since you’re finding your back. A tour guide is very helpful since they handle the daily activity and schedule.

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