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  • Top 10 best buffets in Las Vegas

    Las Vegas conjures up images of glamorous casinos, luxury hotels and neon signs all over the place, but when you’re visiting the SIn City, you have to remember to eat too. When you have so many things to do like in Vegas, it’s easy to skip lunch or dinner, but considering the sheer number of great restaurants in the city, skipping meals would be a terrible waste! Instead, take the opportunity to sample the culinary wonders of Vegas, the more, the better! And the best places to try a large number of dishes are buffets. So here are the top 10 buffets in Las Vegas.

    1. Cravings Buffet at the Mirage

    The Mirage is know to be one of the top casinos/hotels in Vegas, but maybe you didn’t know that it also has a killer buffet. The food at the Mirage’s Cravigs Buffet is probably some of the most delicious food that you’ve ever tasted.

    2. Spice Market Buffet

    Spice Market has a quiet, unpretentious atmosphere, and it is a great favourite with tourists and locals alike. The menu contains both traditional and international delicacies, and on Saturday there is a limitless Champagne brunch.

    3. The Buffet at Bellagio

    Bellagio is pure luxury, so you can have really high expectations of the buffet here. You’ll be able to choose from Kobe beef, fresh tuna, venison, peach cobbler, strawberries in chocolate and hundreds of other gourmet dishes.

    4. Le Village Buffet

    Le Village offers French dishes that are probably better than what you get in French restaurants: Fresh crab legs, beef à la bourguignonne, and duck in Riesling wine. And don’t forget the crepes!

    5. The Buffet at Wynn Las Vegas

    There are lots of ethnic dishes available at this buffet, and most of them are definitely gourmet fare: Sushi, glazed salmon, steamed mussels, king crab legs, rack of lamb, grilled vegetables, and pesto mashed potatoes.

    6. Ports O’ Call Buffet

    This buffet is refreshingly unpretentious and it offers simple, hearty and delicious American food, and some delicious Italian and Mexican dishes at the chef stations.

    7. French Market Buffet

    The French Market Buffet does not limit its offer to French food, and you can find a nice selection of American, Chinese, Mexican, Italian and even Mongolian food.

    8. Paradise Garden Buffet

    One of the interesting things about this buffet is the fact that you can look at live penguins and flamingoes while you’re enjoying your breakfast or lunch.

    9. MGM Grand Buffet

    The MGM Grand Buffet specializes only in American dishes, which is awesome if you’re feeling a bit nostalgic. Roast beef, turkey, and lamb accompanied by baked potatoes, salads, tacos and burritos and delicious desserts.

    10. Village Seafood Buffet

    Vegas might be in the middle of the desert, but this buffet is like an oasis filled with seafood goodies. Lobster tail, seafood salad, catfish, shrimp and perfectly prepared fish dishes.

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    mark TgAvatar
    mark wrote on December 24, 2010:

    Buffets are really dangerous, because you are “forced” to eat as much as you can, else you have the feeling, you didn’t use the oportunity tomake a good deal.
    It’s psychology.
    Afterwards you have some digestive problems…

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