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  • 10 places that your kids should absolutely see

    If you have children, then you know that holidays are as much an opportunity to relax as to explore and learn. Children are curious by nature and they don’t like the same things that adults do. So no matter how much you like lounging on the beach, your kids will get bored of building sandcastles and splashing in the water after a while. So if you want to keep them from yawning but you also want to go someplace that you will enjoy too, here are some picks that might just work.

    1. Yellowstone National Park

    As a general rule, kids love camping, even if nowadays it’s a bit difficult to unglue them from the TV or the computer. But a bit of fresh air in one of the most magnificent places in America will definitely change their mind once they see it. The beauty of the landscape will not only unleash the spirit of adventure in every kid, but it is a welcome change for any adult who has had enough of crowds and big cities.

    2. Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, North Carolina

    If you can’t get your kid to go to a museum, here’s a fun alternative: a living history museum. It will probably shock them to see that there was life before e-mail and facebook, but seeing history happen (in a manner of speaking) can be very educational and more fun than reading about it in textbook.

    3. National Civil Right Museum, Memphis

    Civil rights might not be something that kids are necessarily interested in, but it’s a very important part of the United States history. With a bit of cunning on the parents’ part, they might even enjoy the trip.

    4. Redwood National Park, California

    300 foot tall trees are special enough to make any kid look at them in amazement. Tell them that they’re over 1000 years old, and you’ll definitely catch their attention.

    5. Niagara Falls, New York

    A trip to Niagara is something that anyone should make at least a few times in their lifetime, and the sooner the better. Besides, it’s awesome enough that you won’t get any complaints, not even from teenagers.

    6. Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, Florida

    Disney World is one of those few places that every kid dreams of seeing, and if they haven’t begged you to take them there yet, it will surely come as a very nice surprise for them.

    7. Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, Florida

    At some point of their lives, every child has dreamed of becoming an astronaut, and if you take them to Kennedy Space Center, they just might be awed enough to actually become an astronaut someday.

    8. National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C.

    Aspiring little engineers will absolutely love this place, and there are plenty of reasons why this is one of the most popular Smithsonian museums in the country. Almost all the aircraft on display are originals or backup for the originals.

    9. San Diego Zoo, San Diego

    San Diego Zoo is one of the few zoos in the world where kids can see actual giant pandas. And in addition to the giant fuzzy bears, there are lots of other animals that will delight your kids for an entire day or more.

    10. Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty, New York

    Lady Liberty is more amazing in real life than anyone can imagine, but one of the main attractions here is the Main Building’s computerized Passenger Record, where kids can trace back the genealogy of their loved ones back to the 19th century.

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    Happy Camper wrote on November 25, 2010:

    Getting your kids to go and leave their modern lifestyle would prove to be difficult, but I think there’s no better way to show and teach them the astounding beauty of nature than camping out and bonding as a family.

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