the Travel Enthusiast
- 10 Aprkachou_n in Travel Planning | NO COMMENTS
The most beautiful canyons in the world
Canyons are some of the most dramatic landforms on the planet (and even on other planets), created over millions of years by rivers that carved their way through the landscape. Geologists can probably rave on for hours about canyons, but you hardly need to know everything about them in order to appreciate their beauty.
Wherever they are, canyons tend to be major natural attractions for people who want to see them, take pictures of them, climb them and trek along them. Canyons or gorges have a way of creating the perfect setting for adventures, as long as you don’t shrink from a bit of hiking and walking. Here are some of the most beautiful canyons in the world, for travelers who ‘collect’ natural wonders. …
- 14 Febkachou_n in Amazing Places | 1 COMMENT
The best destinations in the world to see spring flowers
Spring is coming, which means that winter-hating travelers can hit the road again and enjoy a bit of sunlight and fresh air at some new and exciting destination. The warm weather and the pretty flowers are reason enough to go for a walk in the park or take a hike on the hill near town, but they are just as good of a reason to go somewhere farther.
Spring is a time of celebration in many countries where winter makes itself felt, and even without any festivals or events, the multitude of springs flowers manage to create a festive atmosphere nonetheless. If you’re willing to travel to see some blooms and buds, here are some of the best destinations in the world to see spring flowers. …
- 02 Decpapillon in Travel Planning | NO COMMENTS
The most picturesque walking paths in the world
Before the time of cars, trains or planes, budget travelers who wanted to see the world didn’t have many options besides walking. And walk they did, so much and for so long that the paths forged by these early travelers still exist today.
And while the traveler of the 21st century can travel thousands of miles in a matter of hours, there are still plenty of people who still enjoy the simpler pleasures of seeing beautiful scenery at a leisurely pace, while walking.
Whatever your reasons for walking are (healthy exercise, a love of nature), there are plenty of walking trails that can awaken the love of walking even in the laziest person. Here’s a list of the most picturesque walking paths in the world. …
- 19 Mayandra88 in Amazing Places | 2 COMMENTS
The best places for fossil hunting
You don’t have to be a paleontologist to enjoy hunting for some fossils. Of course, we’re not talking about dinosaur skeletons or anything on that scale, but chancing upon some prehistorical snail shells, nautilus remains, or plants encased in stone.
Beaches are excellent places where you can find some fossils that you can even take home if there aren’t any rules concerning ‘souvenirs’. So when you feel like spending a few days hunting for fossils or just enjoying the natural beauty of these areas, here are the best places for fossil hunting. …
- 22 JulEdina in Amazing Places | NO COMMENTS
Tea regions around the world
Since some time ago we had an entry about cities where the most delicious brews are made, worthwhile destinations for coffee-lovers and simple, beauty-seeking tourists alike. This time, I though that it would be interesting to do a similar article on another immensely popular drink: tea. Hot or cold, black, green, red or white, tea comes in virtually thousands of tastes and colours.
Regular folks like their brew laced with sugar, lemon, milk or other seasonings and aromas, but for a true tea purists, where the tea comes for counts the most. Incidentally, tea is and has always been grown in some of the most amazing places in the world. So leave your tea-bags in the cupboard, brew up some loose-leaf orange pekoe and read about where your delicious cuppa comes from… …