travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • London The Square Mile

    Buckingham Palace ©Tony Webster

    Buckingham Palace ©Tony Webster


    London is the capital of the United Kingdom. Once it also served as the capital of a huge empire. It lies in the southeastern part of the country and London itself has a long and vast history.

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  • The world’s weirdest shopping malls

    Bullring, photo by Ell Brown on Flickr

    If your tastes in architecture run towards the more classical styles, you can’t help but feel baffled by the turn that modern architecture is taking, and how everything built recently looks more and more like props from a sci-fi movie.

    But love it or hate it, today’s new buildings look really intriguing, and it’s ot that crazy to travel somewhere just to see the newest and weirdest masterpiece of an eccentric architect. Shopping malls have been around for a while, but they are no strangers to bizarre styles.

    Some malls might seem completely generic, just a place for shops to take up space, but others look completely out of this world. Here are some of the world’s weirdest shopping malls, for the viewing pleasure of travelers who like to see out strange things.

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  • The best small towns in Europe

    Wengen, photo by suedtirol.altoadige on Flickr

    Is the fast-paced life on mega-cities starting to grate on your nerves? The best remedy is a trip to urban spaces where people don’t mind slowing down for a bit, where you can still stop and smell the flowers, and the sky is visible without being obstructed by hundred story tall sky scrapers.

    Despite having its fair share of modern cities, old Europe retains much of its classic charm, especially if you spend some time in small towns that combine the peaceful atmosphere of the countryside with all the cultural and historical attractions that you would find in larger cities. Wind down and enjoy life’s small pleasures in some of the best small towns in Europe.

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  • The weirdest food festivals in the world

    Waikiki Spam Jam, photo by madmarv00 on Flickr

    Food festivals are happy occasions when foodies from all over the world can give into their cravings and stuff themselves full of all sorts of delicious things.

    Although most food festivals cater for your stomach and taste buds, some food festivals can be a bit strange, and either make you choke with laughter or show you the ways in which food can be used for various unorthodox purposes. Celebrate the weird side of food, either by eating it or just laughing at it, while attending some of the weirdest food festivals in the world.

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  • Unusual table manner tips from around the world

    photo by Sergio Russo on Flickr

    If you were ever been constantly told to mind your table manners, especially when you’re at someone else’s place, you can forget this piece of advice when you’re traveling. In fact, being careful with dining etiquette is very important when abroad, but when you’re in a country whose culture is very different from your own, one of the first things you have to do if forget the dos and don’ts that you learned as a kind.

    In a foreign country, the food might not be the only thing that’s different – the way you have to eat it is also unexpected. So if you want to avoid looking like a barbarian next time you’re dining out in a foreign country, here are some unusual table manner tips.

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  • The most fascinating greenhouses from around the world

    Royal Greenhouses of Laeken, photo by Luc Viatour on Flickr

    Just because an exotic plant native to some remote Pacific island could not possibly survive a temperate weather with its unavoidable cold rains and snows didn’t mean that enthusiastic botanists didn’t try their best to find ways to keep their hobbies alive.

    Greenhouses were already being built in the 13th century, but even the ancient Roman new a thing or two about growing plants in controlled spaces.

    Nowadays, you can find industrial sized greenhouses in many countries (Holland has some of the biggest greenhouses in the world), but it’s the greenhouses that were built for fun, style, or science that are really worth visiting. Here are some of the most fascinating greenhouses from around the world that make visit-worthy travel attractions.

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  • The best destinations in the world to see spring flowers



    Spring is coming, which means that winter-hating travelers can hit the road again and enjoy a bit of sunlight and fresh air at some new and exciting destination. The warm weather and the pretty flowers are reason enough to go for a walk in the park or take a hike on the hill near town, but they are just as good of a reason to go somewhere farther.

    Spring is a time of celebration in many countries where winter makes itself felt, and even without any festivals or events, the multitude of springs flowers manage to create a festive atmosphere nonetheless. If you’re willing to travel to see some blooms and buds, here are some of the best destinations in the world to see spring flowers.

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  • The most unusual art museums in the world

    photo by meeshypants on Flickr

    The Louvre, the Metropolitan and the Tate are leading names in the world of art museums, and every traveler who has a soft spot for the arts should visit them in their lifetime, but sometimes you might not be in the mood to look at ‘serious’ art, and focus on the finer points of the brushwork or  sculpture.

    For times like these, you’re better off if you try to look on the quirky side of the art world, and stick to museums that are far from stuffy and somber, and are downright irreverent. Have a good laugh, stare with incredulity or shudder with disgust while visiting some of the most unusual art museums in the world.

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  • The most famous luxury hotels in Europe

    photo by chelmsfordblue on Flickr

    Even if you are the kind of hardened backpacker who doesn’t think twice about sleeping under the open sky, you’ve probably dreamed of sleeping in luxury hotels where you’re treated like royalty, where your room has a king-size bed, a minibar stocked with champagne, and room service that’s better than even the fanciest restaurant.

    If you’re willing to pay a pretty penny to stay in a place like this, or if you’re merely considering your options for when you’ll win the lottery, here are some of the most famous luxury hotels in Europe.

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  • The most picturesque lakeside towns in the world

    Bowness-on-Windermere, photo by foshie on Flickr

    If you love water, then as soon as the weather gets warm you will probably want to take a trip to the seaside and indulge in the joys of beach life: swimming, lounging in the sun, or doing some water sports. But beaches are notorious for attracting huge crowds, and let’s not forget about jellyfish, riptides, sunburn and other downsides.

    But if you’re not ready to give up on your plans of splashing around in the sun, why not choose a lakeside town instead as your spring/summer destination? Wherever there’s a particularly pretty lake, there will be a lakeside town as well, where you can find guesthouses, hotels, restaurants, etc. Spend your days swimming, sailing, hiking and doing other outdoor activities in some of the most picturesque lakeside towns in the world.

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