travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • A traveler’s guide to Nauru

    photo by sadie and maude’s place on Flickr

    Nauru is yet another speck of land in the vast archipelago of Micronesia, but this little island is special: it is the world’s smallest independent republic. It is so tiny that it takes about an hour to drive from one shore to the other, but that doesn’t mean that Nauru is not diverse and interesting. The island used to be very rich in the 20th century, thanks to its huge phosphate deposits, but its fortunes took a turn for the worse in 2005.

    Today Nauru hasn’t got it too good, but it manages to stay afloat, and it has by no means lost the thinks that made it attractive in the past. Tourist facilities may be minimal, but the natural beauty of the island makes it well worth visiting. Here’s a traveler’s guide to Nauru, for those who want to visit the world’s smallest, and rather underrated country.

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  • The best uninhabited islands that you can visit

    Eil Malk, Palau, photo by Lakshmi Sawitri on Flickr

    It was probably easier to end up staying on a desert island centuries ago than nowadays, so those adventurous travelers who want to play at becoming Robinson Crusoe will make to make an effort to be forgotten on some remote island or other. But what you can do quite easily nowadays is visit an uninhabited island – you and many other curious travelers.

    Just because an island is uninhabited it doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of people who will want to visit it, and just as many people willing to arrange a visit for you. You won’t feel completely like a castaway, but if you like ‘stranded on a desert island’ stories, you will love some of the best uninhabited islands that you can visit.

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