travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Solo travel tips: getting used to traveling alone

    photo by Angela Granger

    For those who are used to traveling in groups, with friends or family, solo travel can sound like a cross between a nightmare and the biggest adventure of their lives. But traveling alone is nowhere near the tragedy it might seem to be the first time.

    Solo travelers from around the world have found the way to enjoy themselves while traveling alone and make more of their holiday than even when they’re traveling with other people.

    There are many advantages to solo travel – making up your own schedule, visiting whatever you like without making compromises, meeting a lot of locals and fellow travelers and learning to rely on yourself. But traveling alone can get lonely, and the solo travel blues can really ruin the trip of a lifetime. But all you need are some solo travel tips: getting used to traveling alone is not impossible, after all.

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  • Top 5 crazy things to do in the New Year

    photo by Dave Dyet

    New Year’s parties can sometimes be crazy, and many people do things that they wouldn’t normally even dream of. After all, it’s the end of the year, so it deserves to be celebrated in style! But what about after sleeping off the party craziness and the possible hangovers?

    Going back to your daily routine is a boring start for the year, so you might as well continue with doing something even more crazy. To start you off for a great year full of amazing travel experiences, you should begin by doing something unusual. Here are our top 5 crazy things to do in the New Year.

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  • Travel myths about women’s solo travel

    photo by Yarik Mishin

    Not so long ago, women wouldn’t have even dared to travel alone, or even worse, weren’t allowed to travel alone. But today, traveling is no longer restricted to only one gender, and women make up a large portion of travelers.

    Still, women who are planning on traveling alone usually hear a lot of horror stories that can put anyone off traveling for a long time, and while there’s a grain of truth in many of them, some travel stories about the terrors of solo travel are plain unfounded.

    Unfortunately, women traveling alone will still have to take all manner of precautions, but in the end, there is a lot less to fear than what the myths say. Here are some travel myths about women’s solo travel which need some debunking.

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  • Solo travel: top 5 awkward situations and how to avoid them

    Solo traveling is empowering and can teach you how to rely on yourself in ways that you couldn’t before. It’s a way to enjoy your own company and to discover new things, not about your destinations but also about yourself. However, there are times when even a solo traveler wishes they had a companion, especially when a situation gets awkward.

    A bit of awkwardness every now and then is a natural part of traveling solo, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be avoided from time to time. So here are top 5 awkward situations and how to avoid them when traveling solo.

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  • Best travel destinations for the solo traveler

    AntiguaTraveling alone can be a blessing and a curse, but if you know how to make the best of both, chances are that you’ll be enjoying the best trip of your life. When you go off on your own to a distant place, it can get lonely and boring, especially if there are long hours of traveling involved.

    However, once you get to your destination, you are free to do whatever you want, visit the sights that really interest you and  enjoy your own company for a while. And if the destination is suitably interesting, traveling solo can be a really great adventure that you can later boast off to your friends and family. Here are the best travel destinations for the solo traveler.

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  • Solo travel destinations in South Pacific

    Traveling solo is becoming more and more popular, and not because travelers are becoming more antisocial – on the contrary! When your friends are not inclined to long weeks of travel, it’s best not to lug them with you and listen to them complain, and just go traveling on your own!

    Traveling solo is much less scary than it sounds, and you always end up meeting traveling companions for portions of your journey. Here are some solo travel destinations in South Pacific, for those travelers who want to experience the joys of traveling on their own.

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  • Solo travel: the best destinations of 2011

    Traveling alone can seem a bit scary, especially if you’re doing it or the first time. Knowing that you have to untangle complicated maps on your own, that you can’t rely on anyone for directions or that you have to eat alone in a restaurant in a completely unknown city sounds a bit dreary. But it all depends on the destination, and if you choose wisely, you will be too busy enjoying your holiday on your own.

    Besides, the pros can even outweigh the cons: you can wake up whenever you want, your schedule is completely up to you, and you can see all those interesting sights without listening to the complaints of an uninterested travel companion. So here are the best solo travel destinations of 2011.

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  • The Advantages of Solo Travel

    Many people never travel because they can’t find someone to go with them. That’s a real shame, because what they don’t know is that when you travel by yourself, you often open yourself up to the greatest adventures and opportunities that you might otherwise miss if you were traveling with a companion.

    In my travels, I have traveled with friends, family, significant others, and by myself and with no disrespect to any of the people I’ve traveled with, the best times on the road have been those times when I’ve been traveling solo.

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