the Travel Enthusiast
- 28 Oct
Top 10 places to see in Africa
To continue our series of posts on the main sights that are an absolute must on each continent, here are the top 10 places in Africa that are so amazing that it’s a real shame if you take a tour o the continent. Obviously, it’s nearly impossible to visit all of Africa at once.
The continent is so large, the cultures so diverse and the landscapes so amazing that it would probably take years to see all the visit-worthy places. So if you have a dilemma about where to go on your African tour, here is a list of places that we are sure you’ll just love. …
- 22 Septibi60 in Travel Planning | NO COMMENTS
Dark Tourism: the macabre side of tourism
Dark tourism’ is a fairly new concept, and one that not many people will find enjoyable. It is also called ‘grief tourism’, which sounds even worse than the other name. As you might suspect by now, the objects of dark tourism are not the usual fun, happy and vibrant locations that you’d normally expect to visit, but quite the opposite.
Dark tourism deals with sites where terrible things have happened more or less recently in history. It’s certainly macabre, but at the same time, educational and illuminating. Sites where people (usually a large number of them) have inflicted violence or been on the receiving end of it, offer some interesting information about these historical events. …
- 06 Seppapillon in Amazing Places | NO COMMENTS
The best Safari tours in the world
Not all travelers are adventurous by nature, and some people simply don’t relish the thought of going off into the wild just so they can experience what it is like. And that’s why Safari tours are so convenient for those who’d rather not risk getting eaten by a lion, but would still like to see the afore mentioned lion go about his or her day.
While traditionally a safari implied hunting as well as sightseeing, nowadays the hunting part is thankfully skipped. Safari comes from a Swahili word meaning a long journey, and after all, that’s what it is: a long journey through the African wilderness. So grab your camera, some khaki clothes and a slouch hat, and embark on one of the most fascinating journeys you’ve ever experienced. …