travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Tips for roadtrips in Europe



    Many people who travel to Europe for the first time are amazed at how well train transport and bus transport in some countries work, and how easy a good public transport network makes it to take a tour of the continent.

    But trains and buses are only one side of the story, and there’s another way to go about vising Europe, or parts of it. I’m talking about roadtrips, of course, those long and sometimes tiring trips that are considered more than anything a rite of passage and a way to enjoy to the fullest the company of your friends (or yourself) and of seeing distant places at your own pace, without hurry or worries.

    If you love driving, then take a chance and discover the old continent though the windshield – and here are some tips for roadtrips in Europe that might help you.

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  • Saving Money on road Trips

    Today’s world of travel is filled with big jet planes, luxury coaches, and plenty of nice hotels, but sometimes you have to get away from all of that and get back to something that is timeless and that will never lose it’s appeal. The road trip.

    A road trip involves a few things: a car, a road, and a person or two who are willing to spend some time exploring the great highways and byways of the world. Often, for budget travelers, the idea of taking a car seems to be a bad once since the cost of petrol, parking, and the responsibility for the car can be big expenses, but there are ways to take a road trip without breaking your entire budget.

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  • How to Make the Best Out of a US Road Trip

    No matter if you are a fresh graduate in search of adventure, a soon to be groom who’s tormented by  second thoughts or a retired person who just has too much extra time, a road trip is always a great occasion to change the scenery, get some meaningful travel experience and re-balance your life. With all that literature, movies and blues songs glorifying the road trips, no wonder that this travel trend keeps coming to the surface, twisting our minds and forcing us to hit the road.

    And the naked truth is that, no matter how long or sinuous your journey, you will always come back as a new person. So if you’re looking for a fulfilling, life-altering experience, here are a few tricks that can ease your planning and add a plus of adventure to your road trip:  

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