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  • Valparaiso, The Most Important Port of Chile

    Valparaiso view ©Fernando Valenzuela/flickr

    Valparaiso view ©Fernando Valenzuela/flickr

    Valparaiso view ©Fernando Valenzuela/flickr


    Valparaiso was considered for a very long time “the pearl of the Pacific”. The city has a troublesome history. 

    Pablo Neruda knew why he choose one of the 50 hills of the city. The poet already had a house in Santiago and a villa at a beach on an Island called Isla Negra. It is situated about 80 km at large, when he came back from exile in 1952, being rich and famous, he moved there.

    But the most important fact is that this man was so obsessed with ships. It must have been an impressive panorama of the port and the city scene from La Florida hill. Even nowadays the tourists and the poet’s fans cross through every obstacle just to see the place.

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