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  • The Tragedy of Nepal

    United Nations Development Programme /flickr

    Kathmandu under construction. ©United Nations Development Programme /flickr

    Update on the Nepal catastrophe: second earthquake hitting the region on May 12 2015

    Nepal has still been in the process of recovering after the devastating earthquake of 7.8 magnitude when it was hit by a second one just today! The epicenter of this second earthquake was near Mount Everest in a depth of 10.1 miles and its shock waves were felt even in the Indian capital, Delhi. It was of magnitude 7.1, later upgraded to 7.4. Although, data about the damage is yet unavailable, it is imaginable how much it affected the country still suffering the consequences of the first quake of April 25.

    The first catastrophe killed over 8,000 people and destroyed entire villages and towns leaving hundreds of thousands homeless. Now the world fears not only for the lives of the Nepalese but also the many doctors, rescue teams and other volunteers who were still in the Nepal helping. According to the few reports that already arrived, the people of Kathmandu were panicked when today’s earthquake reached the city, immediately trying to call their loved ones and rush home. The quake lasted for over one minute and probably caused further damage but hopefully not more deaths. The climbing expeditions of camp Everest were called off today for the following months.

    Unfortunately scientists are predicting more trouble ahead.

    According to the publication Science

    “Most of the region’s substantial earthquakes have occurred south of the line, where the plates are locked together and strain builds up. North of this “lock line,” however, the Indian plate dives downward and the character of the rock slab changes. Under higher temperatures and rising pressures, the brittle rocks become more plastic, and they creep past the Tibetan crust without rupturing. Or so researchers had thought.”

    Gavin Hayes of the US Geological Survey states:

    “We therefore have the potential for bigger earthquakes than we might have otherwise expected.”

    He estimates, that we can’t exclude even magnitude 9 earthquakes, not only in the region, but throughout India.

    You can also help the recovering country in many ways. One of the most noble causes is helping the children who lost their families and homes. You can donate to the Nepal Earthquake Children’s Relief Fund of the Save the Children charity. Even the smallest amount counts!

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