travelgrove the Travel Enthusiast

  • Top 5 best treks in the world

    Inca Trail, photo by Emmanuel Dyan on Flickr

    If you like going outdoors every once in a while, a day hike or walk in the wild is a good escape from a chaotic life in the big city. But if you live for the great outdoors and you can’t wait for an opportunity to get out of the house, then maybe a short hike sounds like small fry – a trek would definitely sound like something more challenging and fun.

    Embarking on a trek is no small decision, after all it means cutting yourself from civilization for days on end and rely on your wits and stamina alone – in short, it is a good old fashioned adventure. And if you only want the best for yourself, here are the top 5 best treks in the world.

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  • The most picturesque walking paths in the world

    Camino de Santiago, photo on Flickr

    Before the time of cars, trains or planes, budget travelers who wanted to see the world didn’t have many options besides walking. And walk they did, so much and for so long that the paths forged by these early travelers still exist today.

    And while the traveler of the 21st century can travel thousands of miles in a matter of hours, there are still plenty of people who still enjoy the simpler pleasures of seeing beautiful scenery at a leisurely pace, while walking.

    Whatever your reasons for walking are (healthy exercise, a love of nature), there are plenty of walking trails that can awaken the love of walking even in the laziest person. Here’s a list of the most picturesque walking paths in the world.

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  • Top 5 destinations for volunteering


    The main reason why you should consider volunteering abroad is to make a difference in the world – there’s no replicating the satisfaction you get from knowing that you helped out, even if only a little bit. But then again, there are some more worldly reasons too for choosing volunteering: you get to travel, and you get to travel with your expenses partly covered by someone else.

    If you are on a tight budge, volunteering is a great way to see the world without breaking the bank. There are lots of volunteering opportunities abroad that will cover accommodation and meals, and sometimes even travel costs. So if you feel like you can change the world and you want to have fun while doing it, here are top 5 destinations for volunteering.

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  • Christmas Tours for 2011

    The Danube and Passau in winter

    Many people celebrate Christmas at home, with family or friends, but if you’d rather spend your holidays on the move, traveling to distant places, there’s so much that you can do at Christmas time. Christmas tours are becoming increasingly popular, so if you want to sign up for a tour instead of planning your trip from scratch, there’s a quite a nice selection of trips for you.

    Many Christmas tours for 2011 cater for a variety of tastes, and both active travelers and those who have a more laid back style will be able to enjoy a tour that is precisely to their tastes.

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  • Top 5 ancient cities in the world


    Those of you who like to read ancient history, legends or mythology have probably encountered mentions of sprawling cities hiding unthinkable treasures and mysteries.

    Of course, many of these cities never existed, and those that did were wildly exaggerated, but the truth is that you can still see some vestiges of these lost wonders of the ancient world.

    Macchu Picchu or Cappadocia are cities that used to be glorious in the past, and which still stand today. You can take a short dip into the wonders of the past by visiting some of these top 5 ancient cities in the world.

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  • Top 5 trails to Macchu Picchu

    Macchu Picchu, the ruined city of the Incas, still looms proudly over Urubamba Valley in Peru, centuries after it was abandone more than 6 centuries ago. The ‘forgotten city of the Incas’ was unknown to everyone except for the locals until 1911, when American historian Hiram Bingham brought it to international attention.

    Now, Macchu Picchu is the most well known icon of the Inca civilization, and one of the  new seven wonders of the world. Visitors usually take the Inca Trail to arrive to the ruins, but there are several alternative ways that can give you a glimpse of a lesser known facet of the region. Here are the top 5 trails to Macchu Picchu.

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  • Top 10 places to see in South America



    Unless you have a lot of time and money on your hands, there’s no way you can visit South America all at once. It’s large, it’s beautiful, and there are so many places to see that a few years are probably not enough. But what if you want to get the gist of it first, and then explore it more leisurely and in detail?

    Well, if you’re traveling to South America for the first time and you’re not sure where to go, we’ve compiled a list of the ten most amazing places in South America. No hidden, secluded destinations, just the mainstream tourist attractions that are easy to reach. Visit these spots, and then you’ll be ready for more risky adventures!

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  • Top 10 man-made wonders in the world


    We humans are a peculiar race. In only a couple of centuries, we managed to pollute our planet and cause global warming, but on the other hand we did some things that we can be proud of. We made scientific discoveries, we produced art, and all in all, we did have a few really amazing civilizations in our history. And when it comes to building things, we definitely proved that we have some talent and imagination. So here are the top ten most amazing man-made wonders in the world.

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