the Travel Enthusiast
- 02 Marevike14 in Fun and Travel | NO COMMENTS
The best hikes in South America
With about three hundred national parks of South America, the continent is bound to be a hiker’s paradise. Dramatic mountain landscapes, barren deserts, some of the coldest and the hottest places on earth, and mysterious forests that haven’t been entirely explored yet make the South American continent ripe for all manner of adventures in nature.
Hardened hikers as well as travelers tackling a trek for the first time will find a corner to explore. Whether you prefer to brave the hurdles of weather and land, or if you like to walk at a leisurely place admiring the scenery without overexerting yourself, the best hikes in South America will not disappoint you. …
- 02 Janitachan in Amazing Places | NO COMMENTS
Top 5 best treks in the world
If you like going outdoors every once in a while, a day hike or walk in the wild is a good escape from a chaotic life in the big city. But if you live for the great outdoors and you can’t wait for an opportunity to get out of the house, then maybe a short hike sounds like small fry – a trek would definitely sound like something more challenging and fun.
Embarking on a trek is no small decision, after all it means cutting yourself from civilization for days on end and rely on your wits and stamina alone – in short, it is a good old fashioned adventure. And if you only want the best for yourself, here are the top 5 best treks in the world. …
- 02 Decpapillon in Travel Planning | NO COMMENTS
The most picturesque walking paths in the world
Before the time of cars, trains or planes, budget travelers who wanted to see the world didn’t have many options besides walking. And walk they did, so much and for so long that the paths forged by these early travelers still exist today.
And while the traveler of the 21st century can travel thousands of miles in a matter of hours, there are still plenty of people who still enjoy the simpler pleasures of seeing beautiful scenery at a leisurely pace, while walking.
Whatever your reasons for walking are (healthy exercise, a love of nature), there are plenty of walking trails that can awaken the love of walking even in the laziest person. Here’s a list of the most picturesque walking paths in the world. …
- 31 Markachou_n in Travel Planning | NO COMMENTS
Top 5 trails to Macchu Picchu
Macchu Picchu, the ruined city of the Incas, still looms proudly over Urubamba Valley in Peru, centuries after it was abandone more than 6 centuries ago. The ‘forgotten city of the Incas’ was unknown to everyone except for the locals until 1911, when American historian Hiram Bingham brought it to international attention.
Now, Macchu Picchu is the most well known icon of the Inca civilization, and one of the new seven wonders of the world. Visitors usually take the Inca Trail to arrive to the ruins, but there are several alternative ways that can give you a glimpse of a lesser known facet of the region. Here are the top 5 trails to Macchu Picchu. …